photo: thurberFrederick Thurber

Coordinator of Academic Affairs


Craft & Hawkins Department of Petroleum Engineering

Louisiana State University

3207D Patrick F. Taylor Hall

Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Phone: 225-578-6058 / Fax: 225-578-8433 

Current Responsibilities

  • Recruiting: recruit qualified students that will excel in petroleum engineering.
  • Retention: council and work with students to ensure that they have a successful experience in petroleum engineering.
  • Placement: assist graduating students to find full-time positions in the oil and gas industry; to assists undergraduate students to find summer employment in the oil and gas industry.
  • Summer Geology Camp: coordinate petroleum engineering departmental activity associated with the summer geology camp conducted by the geology department in Colorado.
  • Represent the department at University functions at high schools, community events, professional meetings, and other programs.
  • Evaluate undergraduate students' academic performance, advises undergraduate students with course selection, and maintains academic records of all undergraduate students.
  • Communicate with incoming foreign exchange students to ensure the completion of all requirements, paperwork, and to assist in solving other problems.
  • Manage petroleum engineering scholarship program.

Educational Background

  • A.S., Petroleum Technology, Nicholls State University
  • B.A., Management & Communications, Concordia University
  • M.S. in Management, Troy State University
  • Ph.D. Educational Leadership & Research, Louisiana State University

Employment History 

  • Mallard Well Service, Lafayette, LA, 1977-78
  • Pennzoil Producing Company, Lafayette, LA, 1978-80
  • Superior Oil Company/Mobil Oil Company, Lafayette, LA, 1980-86
  • Self Employed, Lafayette, LA, 1986-90
  • Sears Business Centers, Kenner, LA, 1990-92
  • International Technology, Slidell, LA, 1992-96
  • Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 1996-present

Teaching Responsibilities

  • Introduction to Petroleum Engineering 1010 (Pete 1010)